The International Biocyclic Vegan Network

The International Biocyclic Vegan Network is a broad network of associations, private individuals, companies and institutions involved in agriculture, processing, trade and science, as well as organisations whose mission is to promote animal rights and a vegan way of life.
The objective of the International Biocyclic Vegan Network is to establish and promote a sustainable, closed loop and vegan oriented form of organic farming by introducing the biocyclic vegan principles in all areas of agriculture and food production. In this context, the protection of the environment, nature and climate as well as animal ethics, health and world nutrition without recourse to animal husbandry are of particular importance.
Through its member associations in various countries, the network advises growers on the conversion to biocyclic vegan farming and raises public awareness of the benefits of this form of cultivation. In addition, it participates in research projects on humus accumulation and sustainable soil fertility increase through the use of biocyclic humus soil on a purely plant-based basis.
The Adolf Hoops Society
Biocyclic Vegan International
Biocyclic Vegan International (registered as the Adolf Hoops Society − Adolf-Hoops-Gesellschaft gGmbH) is the publisher of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and the owner of the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal. It is a non-profit organisation based in Berlin which promotes the worldwide dissemination of the biocyclic idea, according to Adolf Hoops and Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach in the context of biocyclic-vegan agriculture
The Adolf Hoops Society is the central coordination point for the global Biocyclic Vegan International network.
BVL Biocyclic Vegan Label Ltd
Biocyclic Vegan International
BVL Biocyclic Vegan Label Ltd is the official label and certification body for biocyclic vegan agriculture. It is a subsidiary of the Adolf Hoops Society and is entrusted with the legal administration of the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal and the related rights to use the label. Further, it coordinates the inspections conducted by accredited control bodies and certifies operations that meet the requirements of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard on the basis of the annual inspection reports submitted by the subcontracted control bodies entitled by BVL to conduct audits according to the Biocyclic Vegan Standard.
Biocyclic Vegan International
BNS Biocyclic Network Services Ltd is responsible for implementing the Biocyclic Vegan Standard in inspection, advisory and cultivation practice. On behalf of the not-for-profit Adolf Hoops Society, BNS trains qualified inspectors in the principles of biocyclic vegan agriculture and the use of the biocyclic vegan audit tool.
Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau

Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau, the German association for the promotion of biocyclic vegan agriculture, was founded by a group of stakeholders working in various contexts, such as organic farming, animal protection and animal rights, veganism, etc. as well as by individuals who are convinced of the need to develop this new approach towards a sustainable and ethical agriculture.
Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network
Greece / Cyprus
The Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network in Greece and Cyprus consists of a growing number of smallholder organic family farms, some of which have been operating organic farming in Greece and Cyprus for many years on the basis of the Biocyclic Guidelines according to Adolf Hoops and Dr. Johannes Eisenbach. They produce citrus fruits, grapes, kiwis, vegetables as well as olives and olive oil. In 2017 the first members of the Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network became officially certified according to the Biocyclic Vegan Standard.
Netwerk ter bevordering van biocyclische-veganlandbouw
Netherlands / Belgium
The Network for the Promotion of Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture in the Netherlands and Flanders is supported by Plenty Food Netherlands Foundation and it aims to raise awareness of biocyclic vegan agriculture in the Netherlands and Flanders. It also seeks to promote the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal on the market in order to guarantee consumers a permanent availability of biocyclic vegan products and at the same time provide them with total transparency from farm to fork.
Stock-Free Farming
United Kingdom
Stock-Free Farming (SF) is a Scottish-based, grassroots group established to inspire and support farmers in the transition to animal-free agriculture. Whether through shifting to growing crops for human consumption, farming carbon capture through planting trees and restoring ecosystems, or by diversifying into a non-traditional agricultural enterprise, SF presents the rationale, case-examples, and connections to support.
SF advises farmers in the UK interested in adopting the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and helps them to prepare for certification.