In order to transform the current food system into an environmentally friendly, sustainable system, it requires the increasing implementation of sustainable niche innovations in Europe.
Therefore, the food system change online congress aims at facilitating and promoting the exchange between diverse European niche players in the food system.
Session 1: Climate-friendly and sustainable farming methods
At the beginning of Session 1 (Climate-friendly and sustainable farming methods) Johannes Eisenbach gives an introduction into the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and biocyclic vegan farming (starting from 2:18).
Welcome Session
There are also three very interesting presentations in the Welcome Session:
1. Peter Hübner, animal rights activist and trained butcher who turned vegan and started the campaign “Butchers against animal murder” (from 3:00)
2. Benjamin Bodirsky, senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research focussing on the large-scale and long-term transformations of the global food system (from 14:10)
3. Stephanie Wunder, senior fellow and coordinator for Land Use Policy & Coordinator Food Systems at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin (from 35:20)
Particularly Stephanie Wunder gives a great overview of the transformation potential which is inherent to niches or as she puts it “pioneers of change”. This perfectly applies to the niche of veganic / biocyclic vegan agriculture.
All conference recordings
The recordings of the other sessions of the entire congress can be watched from the program page. They are addressing other important niches innovations for a sustainable food and agricultural system, but are less concerned with the idea of “plant-based”.