The Plant Based Treaty Discussing Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture − August 2024 

In 2024 Biocyclic Vegan International endorsed the Plant Based Treaty.

The Plant Basec Treaty calls for: an end to the expansion of animal agriculture; the promotion of a shift to sustainable plant-based diets; and an effort to “reforest and rewild” planet Earth.

The three core principles of the Plant Based Treaty: Relinquish, Redirect and Restore. Under Redirect, is a detailed proposal on veganic farming:

“Shift away from monoculture-based arable farming that depletes soil, decreases biodiversity and is reliant on external inputs such as animal manure and agrochemicals towards diversified, agroecological, veganic (vegan and organic) farming using regenerative, permaculture and natural principles that restore soil and ecosystems, enhance food security and provide nutrient-dense foods”.

Biocyclic Vegan International and their German country organization Förderkreis have endorsed the Plant Based Treaty, because It aligns with their mission to promote a sustainable and ethical food system that excludes animal exploitation. Plant Based Treaty’s focus on shifting to plant-based agriculture resonates with their commitment to environmentally friendly practices that protect biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support soil health. By endorsing the treaty, they reinforce their advocacy for a global transition to a plant-based food system as a crucial step in addressing climate change and fostering a more compassionate world.

Interview with Axel Anders, co-founder at Biocyclic Vegan International:

Biocyclic vegan agriculture is the future of farming