The Adolf Hoops Society
Germany / International
The Adolf Hoops Society (Adolf-Hoops-Gesellschaft gGmbH) is the editor of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and Trade Mark. It is a not-for-profit organisation which seeks to disseminate the biocyclic idea according to Adolf Hoops and Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach in the context of biocyclic vegan agriculture.

BVL Biocyclic Vegan Label Ltd.
Cyprus / International
BVL Biocyclic Vegan Label Ltd is a subsidiary of the Adolf Hoops Society (Adolf-HoopsGesellschaft mbH / Biocyclic Vegan International). It is entrusted with the legal administration of the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal and the awarding of the rights to use this label.

BNS Biocyclic Network Services Ltd.
Cyprus / International
BNS Biocyclic Network Services Ltd is the Biocyclic Vegan System Partner responsible for implementing the Biocyclic Vegan Standard in control, consulting and cultivation practice.

Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau e. V.
Germany / Austria / Switzerland
The German Förderkreis Biozyklisch-Veganer Anbau (Association for the Promotion of Biocyclic Vegan Farming) advises growers in German-speaking countries on the conversion to biocyclic vegan farming and raises public awareness of the benefits of this form of cultivation.

Netwerk ter bevordering van Biocyclische-Veganlandbouw in Nederland en Vlaanderen
Netherlands / Belgium
The Network for the Promotion of Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture in the Netherlands and Flanders is supported by Plenty Food Netherlands Foundation, and it aims to raise awareness of biocyclic vegan agriculture in the Netherlands and Flanders. It also seeks to promote the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal on the market in order to guarantee consumers a permanent availability of biocyclic vegan products and, at the same time, provide them with total transparency from farm to fork.

Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network
Greece / Cyprus
The Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network is an association of organic farmers in Greece and Cyprus cultivating according to the Biocyclic Vegan Standard. The predominantly small-scale organic family farms are supervised throughout the year by specially trained agricultural engineers.

Sociedade Biocíclica-Vegana do Brasil
The Sociedade Biocíclica-Vegana do Brasil was founded in early 2023 and is based in Barreira, in the state of Ceará, Brazil. The society is dedicated to promoting composting and the refinement of biocyclic humus soil, and supports producers and farms in the conversion to biocyclic vegan agriculture and certification.

Stock-Free Farming
United Kingdom
Stock-Free Farming (SF) is a Scottish-based, grassroots group established to inspire and support farmers in the transition to animal-free agriculture. SF advises farmers in the UK interested in adopting the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and helps them to prepare for certification.