The Adolf Hoops Society (Adolf-Hoops-Gesellschaft gGmbH) is the editor of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and the owner of the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal. It is a non-profit organisation which seeks to disseminate the biocyclic idea, according to Adolf Hoops and Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach in the context of biocyclic vegan agriculture.
The Adolf Hoops Society is significantly involved in further developing the Biocyclic Vegan Standard through the Standard Commission, which comprises renowned experts from different sectors such as ecology, agriculture, science, animal rights, certification, ethics and consumer advocacy.
It also constitutes the central coordination point for the global Biocyclic Vegan International network.
The Adolf Hoops Society was founded by the authors of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard and previous owners of the Biocyclic Vegan Quality Seal, Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach, Arne Hoops and Axel Anders, with the aim to transfer their private rights to a neutral legal entity which, as a custodian of the biocyclic idea, can guarantee its implementation and further development in the long term.
It is named after the pioneer in organic farming, Adolf Hoops (1932-1999), who, in his organic operation “Biomodell Walsrode” in Northern Germany, developed the principles of biocyclic agriculture and, by this, laid the foundation for the Biocyclic Vegan Standard.
All rights regarding the use of the standard and the logo are presently administered by BVL Biocyclic Vegan Label Ltd on behalf of the Adolf Hoops Society and within the framework of a license agreement.
The Adolf Hoops Society is based in Berlin, Germany.
The Adolf Hoops Society has been recognised as a non-profit organisation by the Berlin tax office.

Adolf Hoops
1932 – 1999

Arne Hoops, Axel Anders & Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach | Co-founders and partners of the Adolf Hoops Society
Arne Hoops, Axel Anders, Dr. Johannes Eisenbach

Axel Anders
e-mail: ahg@biocyclic-vegan.org
web: www.biocyclic-vegan.org